Initial Inquiry Form Client Name: Date of Birth: Phone Number: Alternate Phone Number: Why is the client homeless?: How many children does the client have?: What are the ages of the children who will be residing with the client?: Is the client pregnant?:—Please choose an option—YesNo If so, when is their due date?: Client is currently at:—Please choose an option—ShelterTreatment ProgramFamily/FriendOther How long has the client been there?: Name & Address of current location: Client is applying to:—Please choose an option—Residence ProgramApartment Program Is the client currently in a substance abuse program?:—Please choose an option—YesNo Length of sobriety/clean time (client must have at least 30 days): If in a program, where?: Is the client in treatment for mental health issues?:—Please choose an option—YesNo If in treatment, where?: Other services/agencies the client is involved with: Does the client have a source of income?:—Please choose an option—YesNo If yes, list source and amount: If no income, has the client applied?:—Please choose an option—YesNo If yes, where?: The person completing this form is:—Please choose an option—The ClientFriend/Family MemberProfessional Working With Client Name: Phone Number: Agency Name, if applicable: Comments: Please enter the characters above: Please leave this field empty.