When residents are ready for their move to independent living, staff members guide them through the process of finding, securing and maintaining permanent housing.
Training is provided to help residents learn basic household maintenance skills as well as methods of interacting in a positive manner with landlords.
Once each woman moves from Chadwick Residence, follow-up services are available to her for up to six months in order to ensure that she makes a smooth transition to independence.
Chadwick Residence has a proven track record of helping women to their goal of permanent housing. Despite the tremendous adversity the women of Chadwick Residence must overcome, we’ve attained great success.
Over the past five years, 60 percent of residents have made the transition to permanent housing and 36 percent move on to temporary housing. Only 4 percent were discharged back to a homeless shelter.
Our approach includes an effective combination of services, support and practical learning. This empowers the women living at Chadwick Residence to learn the proper skills and grow as individuals. It is through this growth that our residents become more independent and achieve the goal of permanent housing.
Since 1986, we have opened our doors to homeless women and their children with the goal of helping our residents live, learn and grow into lives of independence.