Chadwick Residence provides housing for homeless women and their children for up to two years and help with the transition to independent living. This includes women with mental health issues, victims of domestic violence and those struggling with substance abuse.
Chadwick Residence offers a drug- and alcohol-free living space, where residents are encouraged to participate in educational programming and demonstrate a healthy lifestyle. Our Permanent Supportive Apartments are available for those with a disability and require extra supports.
We accept referrals from the Coordinated Entry List. Referrals come from Central New York homeless shelters, social service agencies, churches and schools, accommodating women at risk and their children.
Chadwick Residence assisted almost 400 women and children between 2010 and 2018.
• 50 percent suffered with mental health issues
• 54 percent were victims of domestic violence
• 20 percent struggled with substance abuse
Residents also deal with medical issues or physical disabilities as well as developmental or learning difficulties.
Chadwick Residence continuously proves its success with individuals like these, including 60 percent who’ve found permanent housing and 36 percent moving on to temporary situations. Only 4 percent were discharged back to shelters.